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How to Turn off 5G on iPhone for Better Battery and Speed

In this article, we’ll explain How to Turn off 5G on iPhone, the benefits of turning it off, potential drawbacks, and how to check if 5G is enabled on the iPhone.‍ 5G is the latest and greatest wireless technology, promising faster speeds and more reliable connections. But if you have an iPhone, you may have noticed that 5G can drain your battery and slow down your iPhone. Fortunately, you can turn off 5G on your iPhone to conserve battery and boost your speed.

How to Turn off 5G on iPhone for Better Battery and Speed

What is 5G and why turn it off on an iPhone?

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology, and it promises faster data speeds and more reliable connections. It is the latest and greatest in wireless technology and is being rolled out in many countries worldwide. However, 5G can also drain your iPhone’s battery and slow down your device. This is because 5G uses more power than other wireless technologies, and it can be harder for your iPhone to connect to 5G networks.

If you want to conserve battery and boost your speed, you can turn off 5G on your iPhone. This will switch your device back to 4G, which is a more reliable and less power-hungry connection.

How to turn off 5G on iPhone

Turning off 5G on your iPhone is easy. Just follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Settings” app on your iPhone.

2. Tap “Cellular.”

How to Turn off 5G on iPhone for Better Battery and Speed

3. Tap “Cellular Data Options.”

turning off 5g on iphone

4. Select “Voice & Data.”

turn on 5g on iphone

5. Now, Choose LTE (4g)

how to switch on 5g on iphone

Now 5G is turned off on your iPhone, and you’ll be connected to the 4G network.

Benefits of turning off 5G on iPhone

There are several benefits to turning off 5G on your iPhone.

  • The most obvious is that your iPhone’s battery will last longer. 5G is a power-hungry connection, and switching to 4G will help conserve battery life.
  • Another benefit is that your device will run faster. 5G can be hard for your iPhone to connect to, and switching to 4G will help speed up your device.
  • Turning off 5G will help your device stay more secure. 5G networks are still relatively new and are more vulnerable to security threats than 4G networks.

Potential drawbacks of turning off 5G on iPhone

There are also some potential drawbacks to turning off 5G on your iPhone.

  • The most obvious is that your data speeds will be slower. 5G networks are much faster than 4G networks, so if you’re used to streaming movies or playing online games, you’ll notice a difference.
  • Another potential drawback is that your device may not be able to access certain features. Some features are only available on 5G networks, so if you turn off 5G, you won’t be able to access them.
  • Turning off 5G may not be worth it if you don’t have access to a 5G network. If you’re in an area without 5G coverage, turning off 5G won’t make a difference.

How to check if 5G is enabled on an iPhone

If you want to check if 5G is enabled on your iPhone, just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap “Cellular.”
  3. Tap “Cellular Data Options.”
  4. Tap “Enable 5G.” or go to the Voice & Data and Check LTE is right checked.

If the “Enable 5G” switch is toggled on, then 5G is enabled on your iPhone. If it is toggled off, then 5G is disabled.


In this guide, we have discussed how to turn Off 5G on iPhone. Turning off 5G on your iPhone is a great way to conserve battery and boost your speed. However, it also has some potential drawbacks, so it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. If you want to check if 5G is enabled on your iPhone, just follow the steps outlined in this article.

Neeraj Prajapati

Hi, I am Neeraj, Computer Science Engineer, who loves to write and share my personal experience and knowledge on the Internet. I'm always keeping up with the latest trends in tech and love to explore the potential that technology has to offer. I'm excited to be a part of this growing tech community and looking forward to making a positive contribution.

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